Disgo Calan Gaeaf  Disgyblion Blynyddoedd Derbyn i 7

Fel rydych yn gwybod mae CRhA wedi trefnu disgo Calan Gaeaf nos Fercher nesaf. Oherwydd systemau diogelwch ni fedr staff Bobol Bach fynd a’ch plentyn lawr i’r disgo sydd yn cael ei gynnal yn safle’r chweched. Mae gofyn i chi neu pwy bynnag sy’n gyfrifol am eich plentyn ar y noson arwyddo eich plentyn i mewn ac allan o’r Disgo wrth ei gollwng/ollwng ac wrth gasglu. Ymddiheurwn am unrhyw anghyfleustra.

Halloween Disco Reception to Year 7 Pupils

As you are aware, next Wednesday the PTA have arranged a Halloween Disco. Due to safeguarding and child safety and, as the disco will not be held on the same premises, the Bobol Bach staff will not be able to take your child down. You or the adult responsible for your child on the night, will need to sign your child in and out of the Disco. We apologise for any inconvenience.