Annwyl Riant/Gofalwr

Fel rhan o’n hadolygiad blynyddol, rydym wedi gwneud rhai newidiadau i’n polisi gwisg ysgol. Bydd y newidiadau hyn yn dod i rym o fis Medi 2024, gan ganiatáu digon o amser i’n teuluoedd baratoi ar gyfer y flwyddyn academaidd nesaf.

Rwyf wedi atodi copi o’r polisi gwisg ysgol er gwybodaeth. Y newidiadau allweddol o 1 Medi yw:

• Sgertiau – Dim ond sgertiau pletiog sy’n cael eu caniatáu a dylid eu gwisgo’n gywir heb rolio’r band drosodd. Dylai’r sgertiau fod yn llac ac ni ddylent fod yn fwy na dwy fodfedd uwchben y pen-glin. Ni chaniateir sgertiau skater, pensil, neu unrhyw sgertiau nad ydynt yn bletiog.
• Teits – Dylent fod yn ddu neu’n llwyd. Ni ddylid gwisgo sanau dros deits.
• Esgidiau
– Dylai disgyblion wisgo esgidiau du plaen synhwyrol i’r ysgol

  • Dylai’r esgidiau fod yn lân ac yn rhydd o fwd
  • Mae’r Pennaeth yn cadw’r hawl i ofyn i fyfyrwyr newid eu hesgidiau os ydynt yn eu barnu yn anaddas i’r ysgol.
    Pwysig: Ni chaniateir esgidiau brown ‘Red Back’
    Sylwer: O 1 Medi – Os yw’ch plentyn mewn gwisg anghywir bydd y camau canlynol yn cael eu cymryd:
  1. Byddwn yn cysylltu â chi bob dydd i sicrhau bod y sefyllfa’n cael ei datrys cyn gynted â phosibl
  2. Efallai na chaniateir i’ch plentyn fynychu ei wersi sydd ar yr amserlen. Byddant yn cwblhau eu dysgu mewn ardal ddynodedig i ffwrdd o’u hystafell ddosbarth arferol.
  3. Mae’n bosib y gofynnir i ddisgyblion mewn gwisg anghywir gael egwyl a chinio ar adeg wahanol i ddisgyblion eraill.
    Gyda’r rhan fwyaf o agweddau ar wisg ysgol, rydym yn gwneud ein gorau glas i ddarparu delweddau o wisg dderbyniol ac annerbyniol, dylai hyn eich cefnogi i brynu eitemau yn gywir (gellir gweld y delweddau hyn ar y polisi gwisg ysgol). Os oes amheuaeth, peidiwch ag oedi rhag cysylltu â’r ysgol cyn prynu eitemau.

Mae’r ysgol yn ystyried gwisgo’r wisg ysgol gywir fel elfen allweddol o bwy ydyn ni a safonau’r ysgol fel cymuned. Cofiwch, drwy ddewis Ysgol Llanfyllin ar gyfer addysg eich plentyn, eich bod yn cytuno i weithio mewn partneriaeth â’r ysgol i sicrhau bod disgyblion yn y wisg gywir bob amser. Byddem yn ddiolchgar petaech yn treulio amser yn atgyfnerthu’r negeseuon hyn gartref gyda’ch plentyn.

Diolch yn fawr iawn am eich cefnogaeth barhaus.

Yn gywir,

Dewi Owen

Dear Parent/Carer

As part of our annual review we have made some changes to our uniform policy. These changes will take effect from September 2024, allowing our families plenty of time to prepare for the next academic year.

I have attached a copy of the uniform policy for your reference. The key changes from September 1st are as fol-lows:

• Skirts – Only pleated skirts are permitted and should be worn correctly without rolling the band over. Skirts should be loosely fitted and should not sit more than two inches above the knee. Skater, pencil, or any non-pleated skirts are not permitted.
• Tights – Should be black or grey. Socks are not to be worn over tights.
• Footwear

  • Pupils should wear sensible plain black footwear to school
  • The footwear should be clean and free of mud
  • The Headteacher reserves the right to ask students to change their footwear should they judge them unsuitable for school.

Important: Brown ‘Red Back’ style boots are not permitted

Please note: As of September 1st – If your child is in incorrect uniform the following actions will be taken:

  1. We will contact you on a daily basis to ensure that the situation is resolved as quickly as possible
  2. Your child may not be permitted to attend their timetabled lessons. They will complete their learning in a designated area away from their timetabled classroom.
  3. Pupils in incorrect uniform may be asked to have their break and lunch at a different time to other pu-pils.

With most aspects of school uniform, we do our upmost to provide images of acceptable and unacceptable uni-form, this should support you in the correct buying of items (these images can be seen on the uniform policy). If in doubt, please do not hesitate to contact the school before purchasing items.

The school views the wearing of correct uniform as a key element of the schools identify and standards as a com-munity. Please remember that by choosing Ysgol Llanfyllin for your child’s education you are agreeing to work in partnership with the school in ensuring pupils are in the correct uniform at all times. Please spend time reinforcing these messages at home with your child.

Many thanks for your ongoing support.

Yours sincerely,

Dewi Owen