Cyfnod Cynradd – Primary Phase

I’ch hatgoffa – Bydd lluniau dosbarth a lluniau unigol blwyddyn 6 yfory. Mae angen i disgyblion wisgo eu gwisg ysgol ar gyfer y lluniau. Gofynnwn i ddisgyblion dosbarth Mrs Martin a Miss Griffiths ddod i’r ysgol yn eu gwisg ysgol a’u gwisg ymarfer corff mewn bag er mwyn newid yn ystod y dydd.

Reminder – There will be class photos and individual year 6 photos tomorrow. Pupils need to wear their school uniforms for the photos. We ask pupils of Mrs Martin and Miss Griffiths’ class to come to school in their school uniforms and to bring their P.E. Kit in a bag to change during the day.