Isod mae dolen i holiadur i gasglu eich barn ar sut y dylai’r ysgol weithredu yn ystod wythnos olaf y tymor. Mae hyn mewn ymateb i bryderon a godwyd gan rai aelodau o’r gymuned ynghylch yr effaith y gallai unrhyw achosion cadarnhaol o Covid 19 yng nghymuned yr ysgol ei chael ar deuluoedd yn ystod cyfnod y Nadolig (h.y. o bosibl gorfod hunanwahanu yn ystod cyfnod y Nadolig). A fyddech cystal ag ymateb erbyn 5pm ddydd Iau 3ydd Rhagfyr. Ymddiheuriadau am yr hysbysiad byr. Bydd unrhyw benderfyniad a wneir i newid agoriad arferol yr ysgol yn ystod yr wythnos hon yn cael ei gyfathrebu cyn gynted â phosibl.

Linc i’r holiadur

Please find a link to a questionnaire to gather your views on how school should operate during the last week of term. This is in response to concerns raised by some members of the community regarding the impact any positive cases of Covid 19 within the school community may have on families during the Christmas period (i.e. possibly having to self isolate during the Christmas period). Please respond by 5pm on Thursday 3rd December. Apologies for the short notice. Any decision made to alter the normal opening of school during this week will be communicated as quickly as possible.

Link to questionnaire