Yn anffodus bu ychydig o ddifrod i ddosbarthiadau Mrs Martin a Miss Griffiths o ganlyniad i’r glaw neithiwr. Rydym wedi gosod dosbarth dros dro tan i’r awdurdod leol ddod i asesu’r sefyllfa. Mae’r plant wedi ymgartrefu’n wych. Yn y cyfamser, gofynnwn i rieni ollwng a casglu eu plant o ddrws allanol Canolfan Cynllaith (wrth ochr dosbarth Miss Grifiths a Mrs Martin). Byddwn yn eich diweddaru cyn gynted a bod modd. Diolch am eich cyd-weithrediad.

Unfortunately, there was some damage to Mrs Martin and Miss Griffiths’ classes as a result of last night’s rain. We have arranged a temporary class until the local authority come to assess the situation. The children have settled in great. In the meantime, we ask parents to drop off and collect their children from the outside door of Canolfan Cynllaith (next to Miss Griffiths and Mrs Martin’s class). We will update you as soon as possible. Thank you for your co-operation.