Dim ond i roi gwybod i rieni ein bod wedi bod yn cynnal sesiynau technegau adolygu ar gyfer ein myfyrwyr bl 12 a 13, i’w paratoi nhw ar gyfer yr arholiadau ffug, sy’n dechrau ar y 14eg o Chwefror. Bydd y sesiynau hyn yn parhau dros yr wythnosau nesaf ac anogir myfyrwyr i roi gwybod i ni os ydynt yn cael trafferth gyda’u hadolygu, gan y gallwn hefyd wneud sesiynau gydag unigolion. 

Rydym hefyd wedi troi’r ystafell gyffredin i ystafell astudio am y tair wythnos nesaf, er mwyn rhoi mwy o le i’r myfyrwyr astudio yng nghanolfan y chweched dosbarth. Rydym yn deall nad yw ein myfyrwyr wedi cael y profiad o arholiadau ffurfiol ac felly rydym yn gwneud popeth o fewn ein gallu i’w helpu i baratoi ar gyfer eu arholiadau ffug a’u harholiadau haf.

Just to inform parents that we have been holding revision techniques sessions for year 12 and 13 students, in preparation for the mock examinations, which are starting on the 14th February. These sessions will continue over the next couple of weeks and students are encouraged to let us know if they are struggling with their revision, as we can also provide sessions for individuals. 

The common room has now been adapted into a study area and will remain so for the next three weeks, to give students additional studying space in the sixth form centre. We understand that our students have not had the typical experience of formal examinations and therefore we are doing all we can to help prepare them for their mock and summer examinations.