Noson Rhieni Cyfnod Cynradd – Hydref 16fed 2023

Mae gan Nosweithiau rhieni rôl allweddol mewn cynnal y bartneriaeth gref rhwng teuluoedd a’r ysgol sydd mor hanfodol i gyflawniad a chynnydd. Eleni rydym yn cynnig cyfarfodydd gyda staff wyneb yn wyneb i rieni.

Yn anffodus ni fydd Mrs Ann Davies ar gael ar Hydref 16eg ond bydd apwyntiadau’n cael eu cynnig i rieni yn
ddiweddarach eleni.
Oherwydd y nifer yn nosbarth Ms Rhian Griffiths bydd hi ar gael ar ddydd Llun 16eg a dydd Mawrth 17eg Hydref.

Defnyddiwch y ddolen ganlynol i archebu eich apwyntiad os gwelwch yn dda. Mae apwyntiadau ar gael rhwng 3:30y.h. a 6:40y.h.

Cliciwch ar y ddolen Cyfnod Cynradd a dewiswch y dyddiad a’r athro yr hoffech gael apwyntiad gyda, dewiswch amser a chwblhewch eich manylion.

Oes oes gennych unrhyw broblem cysylltwch drwy e-bost neu ffoniwch Jan Jones ar 01691 649307.

Primary Phase Parents’ Evening – October 16th 2023

Parents’ evenings play a key role in maintaining the strong partnership between family and school that is so crucial to achievement and progress. This year Parents’ evenings will be face to face meetings with staff.

Unfortunately Mrs Ann Davies will not be available on October 16th but appointments will be offered to parents’ later this year.
Due to the number in Ms Rhian Griffiths’ class she will be available on both Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th October

Please use the following link to book your appointment. Appointments are available between 3:30p.m. and 6:40p.m.

Please click on the Primary Phase link and select the date followed by the teacher that you would like an appoint-ment with, select a time and fill in your details.

If you have any problems please email or telephone Jan Jones on 01691 649307.