Hoffwn ddechrau drwy ddiolch i chi am eich cefnogaeth gyda dysgu gartref. Mae’r gwersi byw yn mynd yn dda ac rwy’n gobeithio bod y strwythur presennol yn gweithio i chi gartref. Fodd bynnag, yr adborth a gawn yw bod rhai myfyrwyr yn ei chael hi’n anodd bod o flaen cyfrifiadur am 6 gwers y dydd. Fel ysgol mae angen i ni gydbwyso cyflwyno’r cwricwlwm ac iechyd a lles myfyrwyr. Er mwyn cefnogi hyn, byddwn yn cael cyfnodau o amser heb sgrin yn ystod yr wythnos. Rydym wedi penderfynu y dylai hyn fod…
• Ffrwd Saesneg Bl 7-9 – Gwersi Cymhwysedd Digidol, ABCh, Rhifedd a Llythrennedd.
• 7C – ABCh (Gwers 3 Dydd Mawrth) Cymhwysedd Digidol (Gwers 6 Dydd Iau) a Rhifedd (Dydd Gwener gwers 1)
• 8C – Cymhwysedd Digidol (Gwers 2 Dydd Llun) Hanes (Gwers 6 Dydd Mercher) a Rhifedd (Gwers 3 Dydd Gwener)
• 9C – Daearyddiaeth (Gwers 6 Dydd Llun) Cymhwysedd Digidol (Gwers 5 ddydd Mercher) a Celf (Gwers 2 ddydd Gwener)
Mae’r gwersi amser heb sgrin wedi cael eu dewis ar gyfer y grwpiau Cymreig oherwydd bod ganddyn nhw 2 wers yr wythnos o’r pwnc hwnnw, mae’n osgoi pynciau craidd a hefyd lle mae’r wers o fewn yr amserlen hy peidio â chael 2 wers heb sgrin mewn diwrnod, ddim yn cael gwers ddwbl gyda’i gilydd neu os yw’r wers i fod ar wers 6.
Bydd gan bob un o CA4 amser heb sgrin yn ystod eu gwersi gemau ac i rai myfyrwyr yn B11 gellir defnyddio eu gwers cyllid personol oherwydd eu bod wedi cwblhau’r cwrs. Cadarnheir hyn gyda’r athro unigol.
Dyma rhai syniadau y gellid eu defnyddio ar gyfer amser heb sgrin – darllen, chwarae gemau bwrdd, dylunio eich gêm fwrdd eich hun, heriau AG, ysgrifennu dyddiadur, cerdded, dylunio rysáit newydd, neu gelf. Gellid cysylltu awgrymiadau eraill â ‘Tasgau Teulu’ fel gwneud y golchi llestri, didoli’r ailgylchu, glanhau’ch ystafell wely, glanhau’r car, glanhau’r ystafell ymolchi, cynnig helpu i goginio te i’r teulu, glanhau’r lolfa, cerdded y ci, bwydo’r anifeiliaid anwes, gwneud paned i’ch mam / tad, helpu’ch brawd / chwaer i ddysgu ar-lein neu ffonio’ch neiniau a theidiau.
Ni fydd disgwyl i fyfyrwyr fewngofnodi yn ystod yr amser heb sgrin a chymerir eu marc presenoldeb o’u gwers flaenorol.
I ddisgyblion CA3 a CA4 rydym hefyd yn gweithredu y bydd gwersi yn cael eu cynllunio am 45 munud.
Unrhyw gwestiynau, peidiwch ag oedi cyn cysylltu â’r ysgol i gael eglurhad pellach.
I would like start with thanking you for your support with home learning. The live lessons are going well and I am hoping that the current structure is working for you at home. However, the feedback we are receiving is that some students are finding it difficult to be in front of a computer for 6 lessons a day. As a school we need to balance curriculum delivery and student’s health and wellbeing. To support this we are going to have periods of non-screen time during the week. We have decided that this should be…
- Y7-9 English Stream – Digital Competency, PSE, Numeracy and Literacy lessons.
- 7C – PSE (Lesson 3 Tuesday) Digital Competency (Lesson 6 Thursday) and Numeracy (Friday lesson 1)
- 8C -Digital Competency (Lesson 2 Monday) Hanes (Lesson 6 Wednesday) and Numeracy (Lesson 3 Friday)
- 9C – Daeryddiaeth (Lesson 6 Monday) Digital Competency (Lesson 5 on Wednesday) and Celf (Lesson 2 on Friday)
The non-screen time lessons have been selected for the Welsh groups because they have 2 lessons a week of that particular subject, it avoids core subjects and also where the lesson is within the timetable i.e. not having 2 non-screen lessons in a day, not having a double lesson together or if the lesson lands on lesson 6.
All KS4 will have non screen time during their games lessons and for some students in Y11 their personal finance lesson can be used because they have completed the course. This will be confirmed with the individual teacher.
Some ideas that could be used for non-screen time could be reading, playing board games, designing your own board game, PE challenges, write a diary, walking, design a new recipe, or art. Other suggestions could be linked to ‘Teulu Tasks’ such as doing the washing up, sorting the recycling, clean your bedroom, clean the car, clean the bathroom, offer to help cook tea for the family, hoover the front room, walk the dog, feed the pets, make your mum/dad a cup of tea, help your brother/sister with online learning or phone your grandparents.
Students will not be expected to log on during the non-screen time and their attendance mark will be taken from their previous lesson.
For KS3 and KS4 pupils we are also implementing that lessons will be planned for 45 minutes.
Any questions please do not hesitate to contact the school for further clarification.