At sylw rhieni Blwyddyn 12 a 13 Drama
Arholiad UG / Uwch Drama yn y Stiwdio Ddrama am 6yh heno. Edrychwn ymlaen i groesawu chi fel gynulleidfa. Bydd y perfformiadau wedi cwblhau erbyn 6:45yh. Diolch am eich cefnogaeth. Os gallwch chi dod i’r Stiwdio Ddrama trwy’r fynedfa drysiau gwydr ychydig cyn 6yh.
FAO Parents of Year 12 & 13 Drama students
As you know it’s the AS & A Level examination at 6pm in the Studio this evening. We have asked each candidate to bring 2 family members or close friends as audience members as they need audience feedback for their evaluation. I therefore look forward to meeting you tonight at the glass door entrance of the studio by the fire exit just before 6pm. The exam should be completed by 6:45pm. Many thanks for your continued support.