Bydd blwyddyn 10 yn cwblhau eu hasesiad siarad a gwrando (cyflwyniad unigol) dydd Mawrth a Mercher nesaf. Mae hyn werth 10% o’u TGAU Iaith Saesneg. Bydd rhaid iddyn nhw fod gyda’u cardiau nodiadau gorffenedig ac yn barod i gyflwyno. Byddent yn elwa o ymarfer y cyflwyniad cyn eu slot wythnos nesaf. 

Year 10 pupils will be completing their speaking and listening assessment (individual presentations) next Tuesday and Wednesday. This is worth 10% of their English Language GCSE. They must attend with their completed note cards and they should be ready to present. They would benefit from practising the delivery of this prior to their presentation slots next week.