Gellir casglu canlyniadau AS ac A2 o’r ysgol Dydd Iau rhwng 9.00y.b. ac 11.00y.b.  Os na allwch eu casglu’n bersonol ac yn dymuno i rywun arall eu casglu ar eich rhan, rhaid iddynt gael llythyr wedi’i lofnodi yn rhoi eich caniatâd.  Heb y llythyr hwn, ni allwn roi eich canlyniadau i unrhyw un. 

Rydym yn edrych ymlaen at eich gweld chi i gyd Dydd Iau.

AS and A2 results can be picked up from school between 9.00a.m. and 11.00a.m. on Thursday.  If you are unable to collect them up in person and wish for someone else to collect them for you, they must have a signed letter giving your permission.  Without this letter, we cannot give your results to anyone. 

We’re looking forward to seeing you all on Thursday.