Ydych chi erioed wedi meddwl beth yw CRhA? Dim ond ni – rhieni ac athrawon yn cyd-weithio i ychwanegu at brofiad ein plant o’r ysgol
Teimlo eich bod yn rhy brysur? Gall ychydig bach o’ch amser fod yn llawer o gymorth i’n plant
Oes gennych chi rywbeth i gynnig? Eich llais, a’ch syniadau sydd angen arnom i wneud ein hysgol hyd yn oed yn well.
Sut mae CRhA yn gwneud hyn? Drwy godi arian a chynnal digwyddiadau sy’n creu teimlad o gymuned.
Rydym yn cynllunio Disgo Calan Gaeaf ar gyfer y cyfnod cynradd a Blwyddyn 7 ar Hydref 24ain. Hon fydd y gyntaf ers Covid, felly rydym am ei gwneud yn arbennig.
Allwch chi helpu? Os gallwch, dewch i gyfarfod nesaf CRhA nos Fawrth Hydref 10fed am 7.30yh . Gallwch ymuno ar lein (Click here to join the meeting) neu wyneb yn wyneb. Neu, os nad yw hyn yn bosib, anfonwch neges ar FB i ddweud wrthym sut yr hoffech gymryd rhan.
Gadewch i ni wneud hyn gyda’n gilydd!
Ever wondered what the PTA is? It’s just us – parents and teachers – working together to add something extra to our kids’ experience of school.
Feel you’re too busy? A little bit of your time can help our children loads.
Wondering if you have something to offer? Your voice and ideas are just what we need to make our school even better.
How does the PTA do this? By raising money and holding events that create a feeling of community.
We’re planning a Halloween Disco for the Primary Phase and Year 7 on October 24th. It’s our first one since Covid, so we want to make it special.
Can you help? If so, come to our next PTA meeting on Tues 10th October at 7:30pm. You can join online (Click here to join the meeting) or in person in the Sixth Form centre. Or, if that’s not possible, just send us a FB message to tell us how you would like to take part. Let’s do this together!