Mae gwaith dosbarthiadau Miss Griffiths a Mrs Martin wedi ei osod ar Hwb. I gyrraedd Hwb byddwch angen chwilio am Hwb ar wefan chwilio Google. Yna mewngofnodwch yn denyddio y manylion â anfonwyd adref.
Yna ewch ar J2easy i gael ffeiliau.
Yn tudalen J2Launch mae ffolder melyn gyda gwaith heddiw ynddo. Hefyd mae cyfarwyddiadau ar sut i ddefnyddio hwb.
Mae gwaith dosbarthiadau Miss Davies, Mrs Davies, Mr Doolan a Miss Jones ar Microsoft Teams (mynediad drwy Hwb).
The work for Miss Griffiths and Mrs Martin has been put on Hwb. To reach Hwb you will need to search for Hwb on Google. Then if you can log in using the passwords and username that has been sent home.
Then click on J2easy to see the files.
On the J2Launch page there is a yellow folder with today’s work in it. There are also instructions on how to use Hwb.
Miss Davies, Mrs Davies, Mr Doolan a Miss Jones’ class work is on Microsoft Teams (access via hwb).