Annwyl Riant/Gofalwr,

Wrth i gostau byw godi, ni ddylai unrhyw blentyn fynd heb ddim . Yng Nghymru, nid yw bron hanner y rhieni yn hawlio’r prydau ysgol am ddim y mae gan eu plant hawl iddynt. At hynny, mae cymorth ar gael i ddysgwyr a’u teuluoedd yng Nghymru a allai fod yn cael trafferth fforddio costau ysgol fel gwisg ysgol a chludiant, yn ogystal â rhai cynlluniau am ddim i helpu’ch plentyn gyda’i ddysgu.

Bydd y wybodaeth isod yn eich helpu gyda’r cymorth ariannol sydd ar gael.

Bellach, mae pob plentyn Dosbarth Derbyn ym Mhowys yn derbyn pryd ysgol am ddim

O fis Ebrill ymlaen, bydd pob plentyn ym Mlynyddoedd 1 a 2 ym Mhowys hefyd yn derbyn pryd o fwyd am ddim 

Os ydych ar incwm isel, cofiwch  barhau i hawlio prydau ysgol am ddim drwy oherwydd gallech fod â hawl i gael cymorth arall fel y Grant Hanfodion Ysgol ar gyfer gwisg ysgol a dillad ysgol eraill 

Am fwy o wybodaeth am brydau ysgol gynradd am ddim

 I gael mwy o wybodaeth am y Grant Hanfodion Ysgol ewch i  Mae mwy o wybodaeth am brydau ysgol am ddim, Grant Hanfodion Ysgol a phrydau ysgol am ddim i bawb ar gael gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Ewch i

Dear Parent/Carer,  

As the cost-of-living rises, no child should go without. In Wales, nearly half of parents are not claiming the free school meals that their children are entitled to. Furthermore, there is support available for learners and their families in Wales who may be struggling to afford school costs such as uniform and transport, as well as some free schemes to help your child with their learning.  

The information below will help you with the financial support that is available.  

All children in Reception in Powys now receive a free school meal. 

As of April, all children in Years 1 and 2 in Powys will also receive a free meal. 

If you are on a low income, please continue to claim for free school meals via as you may also be entitled to other support such as the School Essentials Grant for uniform and other school clothing.

For more information on universal primary free school meals please visit -School-Meals 

For more information on the School Essentials Grant please visit More information about free school meals, the School Essentials Grant and universal primary free school meals is available from the Welsh Government. Please visit