Bydd yr Eisteddfod Dawns Cynradd yn cael ei gynnal yma yn Ysgol Llanfyllin, Dydd Iau, 9fed o Fawrth am 4:30 y.p. Gweler yr amserlen isod. Ar hyn o bryd, mae’n anodd gwybod yr union amser bydd y plant yn cystadlu. Gofynnwn i’r disgyblion ddod i’r ffreutur erbyn 4:30 y.p. er mwyn gwisgo. Gwnewch yn siwr eu bod nhw wedi cael bwyd cyn dod oherwydd mae’n anodd dweud pryd fydd y cystadlu yn gorffen. Mae croeso i chi ddarparu diod a snac i’ch plentyn. Cost mynediad yw £3.

The Primary Dance Eisteddfod will be help here at Ysgol Llanfyllin on Thursday, 9th of March at 4:30 p.m. Please see the timetable below. At the moment, it’s difficult to know what time the children will be competing. We ask pupils to come to the canteen by 4:30 p.m. in order for them to get changed. Please make sure that they’ve had something to eat before coming as it’s difficult to say what time the competitions will finish. You’re welcome to bring a drink and snack. The cost of entry is £3.