Yn dilyn ymlaen o’n cystadleuaeth yn y cyfnod cynradd i ddylunio 4 cymeriad sy’n gysylltiedig â’n Cwricwlwm Newydd, rydym wedi penderfynu ar enillwyr. Roedd safon y ceisiadau yn anhygoel ac roedd yn anodd iawn dewis felly da iawn pawb.
Unigolyn Iach hyderus – Ffion Gittins, Dion Evans a Natasha Sweeney Richards
Dinesydd moesegol gwybodus – Zach Fulthorpe-Preedy a Bella Adams
Cyfrannwr creadigol a mentrus – Isla Corbett ac Ellie-Louise Richardson
Dysgwr galluog uchelgeisiol – Teleri Jones, Ellah Davies a Maisie Evans
Following on from our competition in the primary phase to design 4 characters linked to the New Curriculum, we have decided on some winners. The standard of the entries was amazing and it was very difficult to choose so well done to everyone.
Healthy confident individual – Ffion Gittins, Dion Evans and Natasha Sweeney Richards
Ethically informed citizen – Zach Fulthorpe- Preedy and Bella Adams
Creative and enterprising contributor – Isla Corbett and Ellie-Louise Richardson
Ambitious Capable Learner – Teleri Jones, Ellah Davies and Maisie Evans