Mae achosion llau pen mewn ambell i ddosbarth ar draws yr ysgol.
Er mwyn mynd i’r afael â’r broblem a dileu llau pen o’r ysgol, a fyddech cystal â gwirio gwallt eich plentyn yn ofalus gan ddefnyddio crib fân, a chan roi sylw penodol i’r adran tu ôl i’r clustiau, gwâr a’r coryn a chribo’r gwallt yn edrych am lau byw neu wyau. Os ddarganfyddir llau neu wyau, yna trinier hwy ar unwaith gan ddefnyddio’r drininaeth ddiweddaraf sydd ar gael o’r fferyllydd neu oddi wrth eich meddyg teulu. Y dull mwyaf effeithiol o ddelio â’r broblem yw dilyn y ‘Dull Cribo Gwlyb’ unwaith yr wythnos neu ar ôl golchi’r gwallt.
There are cases of head lice in many classes in across the school.
In order to tackle head lice and eradicate them from the school, please can you check carefully your child’s hair using a fine comb (nit comb), paying special attention to the area around the back of the ears, neck, crown and fringe thoroughly combing the hair looking for live lice or eggs(nits). If live lice or eggs are detected then treat immediately using up-to-date products from the chemist or own GP. The best means of preventing infestation is by regular grooming using ‘The Wet Comb Method’ weekly or following every hair wash.