Mae gan nosweithiau rhieni rôl allweddol wrth gynnal y bartneriaeth gref rhwng y teulu a’r ysgol sydd mor hanfodol i gyflawniad a chynnydd. Oherwydd Covid-19 ni all nosweithiau rhieni eleni ddigwydd yn eu fformat arferol felly rydym yn cynnig cyfarfodydd ar-lein ,wyneb yn wyneb â rhieni Blwyddyn 13 gyda staff trwy Microsoft Teams.
Defnyddiwch y ddolen ganlynol i archebu’ch apwyntiadau. Cliciwch ar yr athro yr hoffech gael apwyntiad ag ef, dewiswch amser a llenwch eich manylion. Os oes gennych unrhyw broblemau e-bostiwch neu ffoniwch Jan Jones ar 01691 649307.
Parent’s evenings have a key role in maintaining the strong partnership between family and school that is so crucial to achievement and progress. Parents’ evenings this year cannot happen in their usual format because of Covid-19 so we are offering Year 13 parents face to face, online meetings with staff via Microsoft Teams.
Please use the following link to book your appointments. Please click on the teacher that you would like an appointment with from the drop down list, select a time and fill in your details. If you have any problems please email or telephone Jan Jones on 01691 649307.