Bydd Sarah o Pathfinder yma bore yfory am 8:15am. Bydd hi ar iard y Cyfnod Sylfaen yn rhannu gwybodaeth gyda rhieni. Bydd ganddi hefyd holiadur byr iawn i bobl â phlant 4-7 oed ei gwblhau. Bydd yna fflasg/ Potel ddŵr wedi’i inswleiddio i’w rhoi i bob person (oedolyn) sy’n cwblhau holiadur yn ystod ei hamser yma yn y bore. (Gweler y llun isod). Fel y nodwyd uchod, bydd Sarah yma o 8:15 ymlaen, fodd bynnag, ni fydd drysau’r ystafell ddosbarth ar agor tan 8:45. Ga i atgoffa rhieni i aros a goruchwylio eu plant tan yr amser hwnnw os gwelwch yn dda.

Sarah from Pathfinder will be here tomorrow morning at 8:15 am. She will be based on the Foundation Phase yard. Sarah is there to share information with parents. She will also have a very short questionnaire for people with children aged 4 years-7 years to complete. There will be a Stainless-Steel Insulated Water Bottle/ flask, to give to each person (adult) who completes the questionnaire during her time here in the morning. (see pic below). As stated above, Sarah will be here from 8:15, however, classroom doors will not be open until 8:45. Can I please remind parents to stay and supervise their children until that time.