Mae hi wedi bod yn brysur ers gwyliau’r Pasg! Ond Llongyfarchiadau anferthol i’r criw yma o flwyddyn 5 a 6 wrth iddynt gyrraedd y ffeinal yng nghystadleuaeth Pêl rwyd cymysg Yr Urdd. Twrnament a hanner, wrth sgorio ac arbed llawer o goliau. Criw anhygoel yn cydweithio fel tîm ac yn wir haeddau y medal arian! Ymlaen a ni i Aberystwyth 😊
It’s been a busy few weeks since the Easter holidays! But a huge congratulations to this group of year 5 and 6 as they reached the finals in the Urdd mixed netball competition. A tournament and a half, in scoring and saving many goals. An amazing group working together as a team to receive the silver medal! On we go to Aberystwyth 😊