Cyfle olaf – Last chance

Cofiwch archebu tocyn/nau ar gyfer y sioe Nadolig erbyn nos yfory os gwelwch yn dda (29.11.22).

Ar hyn o bryd dim ond 2 docyn fesul teulu sydd ar gael fesul noson fel bod cyfle i bob rhiant gweld eu plant yn perfformio. Gofynnwn i rieni archebu tocynnau drwy Parentpay. Mae tocynnau yn £3 yr un. Efallai bydd tocynnau ychwanegol ar gael o ddydd Mercher. Byddwn yn eich hysbysu drwy’r app. Mi fydd y disgyblion yn perfformio ar y ddwy noson. Bydd perfformiad nos Fercher yn cael eu hail-adrodd ar y nos Iau.

Remember to purchase your ticket/s for the Christmas show by tomorrow evening please (29.11.22).

At the moment we are limited to 2 tickets per family per evening so that there’s an opportunity for every parent to see their child/ren perform. We kindly ask parents to purchase tickets through Parentpay. Tickets are £3 per person. We may have additional tickets available from Wednesday. We will notify you via the app. Pupils will be performing both evenings. Wednesday’s performance will be repeated on Thursday.