Cyfnod Cynradd – Primary Phase

Ymarferion yr Urdd

Dydd Llun – Deuawdau tan 4:20 y.p. – Casglu blaen yr ysgol.

Dydd Mawrth – Cor tan 4:15 y.p. ac yna unawdau i ddilyn tan 5 y.p. (unawdau aelodau y cor yn unig) – Casglu blaen yr ysgol.

Dydd Iau – Parti unsain tan 4:15 y.p. – Casglu blaen yr ysgol.

Urdd Rehearsals

Monday – Duets until 4:20 p.m. – Collection at the front of the school

Tuesday – Choir until 4:15 pm and solos to follow until 5 p.m. (solos from members of the choir only – Collection at the front of the school

Thursday– Parti Unsain (Small singing group) until 4:15 p.m. – Collection at the front of the school.