Roedd yr Ymgyrch lyfrau a drefnwyd gan CRhA a Thîm Eco’r Ysgol yn llwyddiant mawr ac o ganlyniad mae’r holl lyfrau yma yn cael eu rhoi i lyfrgell y Cyfnod Cynradd. Diolch yn fawr i CRhA a Thîm Eco’r ysgol am drefnu’r ymgyrch lyfrau a diolch i’r holl rieni a gofalwyr a gefnogodd!

The Book Drive organised by the PTA and School Eco-Team was a great success and as a result all these books are being donated to the Primary Phase library. Huge thanks to the PTA and the School Eco-Team for organising the Book Drive, and thank you to all the parents and carers who supported it!

#PTAteam #ecoschools