Diolch i bawb sydd wedi cyfrannu yn barod. Rydym wir yn ddiolchgar. Braf yw cymorth gan rhieni/ gofalwyr ac hefyd helpu’r byd drwy ailgylchu ac ail ddefnyddio adnoddau. Mae arnom eisiau ychydig o bethau ychwanegol o fewn yr ardaloedd tu allan. A oes gennych chi rhai o’r adnoddau isod? Os ydych yn hapus ir ysgol eu gael, ebostiwch vaughans@llanfyllin.powys.sch.uk i drefnu os gwelwch yn dda.
Thank you to everyone that have already donated. We’re truly grateful. It’s lovely to have support from parents/ carers and also helping the world by recycling and reusing resources. We’re looking for a few additional things for the outdoor area. Do you have any of the resources below? If you’re happy to donate them to school, please email vaughans@llanfyllin.powys.sch.uk to arrange drop off.
- Esgidiau glaw/ wellies (your child may have outgrown)
- Biniau plastig/ plastic bins
- Darnau o bren/ Planks of wood- off cuts
- Darnau o hen pibellau/ Bits of old pipe
- Offer Cegin (dim cyllill)/ Kitchen utensils (not knives)
- Cerrig bach, riliau pren bach, botymau, gleiniau ac ati./ Pebbles, small wooden reels, buttons, beads etc.
- Tybiau i blanu/ Planters