Newidiadau a nodyn atgoffa ynglŷn â gollwng a chasglu Plant.

  • Mae’r giât ar waelod maes parcio’r bysiau wedi cael ei newid a bydd yn awr yn cael ei chau  am gymaint o amser ac sydd yn ymarferol  yn ystod y diwrnod ysgol, bydd yn cael ei chloi am 2.30 ac yn parhau dan glo hyd nes y bydd y bysiau wedi gadael ar ddiwedd y dydd.
  • Gofynnir yn garedig i rieni sydd yn casglu plant beidio â dod i faes parcio’r bysiau ar ddiwedd y dydd. Mae hyn er diogelwch y plant.
  • Er diogelwch y plant, ni fyddwn yn agor y giât gefn (Bron-y-Gaer) tan 3.20 i’r  cerbydau sydd wedi parcio yn y maes parcio cynradd yn y cefn adael y safle.
  • A fyddai modd i rieni/ ofalwyr aros yn agos at eu plant ifanc wrth iddynt gerdded/ seiclo i fyny i’r ysgol gan fod hon yn ardal brysur iawn amser gollwng a chasglu. Yn anffodus, nid yw yn bosib gosod rhwystr rhwng y palmant a’r man gollwng, am resymau amlwg.
  • Rydym wedi rhoi arwyddion cyflymdra wrth bob mynediad i’r safle a byddem yn ddiolchgar pe byddai pawb yn cadw at gyflymder o 5 milltir yr awr pan ar y safle.
  • Nid oes mynediad i gerddwyr i’r ysgol ar hyd y ffordd gefn lle nad oes palmant.  Os ydych yn cerdded i’r ysgol, mae’n rhaid defnyddio’r giât flaen i gerddwyr.
  • Gofynnwn i holl rieni’r cyfnod cynradd sy’n gollwng ac yn casglu plant mewn car ddefnyddio’r maes parcio uchaf yng nghefn yr ysgol. Mae modd i rieni aros yno i gasglu disgyblion uwchradd os oes angen.

Drop off and pick up changes and reminders.

  • The gate at the bottom of the bus bay has been replaced so it will now be closed as much as is practical during the school day and will be locked from 2.30pm until the buses leave at the end of the day.
  • Parents collecting pupils by car are asked not to enter the bus bay at the end of the day.  This is for the safety of the pupils.
  • For the safety of the pupils, we will not be opening the back (Bron-y-Gaer) gates until 3.20pm to let vehicles who have parked in the top primary car park leave the site.
  • Could we please ask that parents/carers stay close to their younger children as they walk/cycle up to school as this is a very busy area at drop off and pick up.  Unfortunately, it is not possible to put a barrier between the pavement and drop off area, for obvious reasons.
  • We have put a speed limit sign at all entry points of the site and would be very grateful if everyone could abide by the 5mph speed limit when on site.
  • There is no pedestrian access to the school along the back road where there is no pavement.  If you are approaching on foot, access to the school is via the front pedestrian gate.
  • We ask all Primary Phase parents dropping off and picking up by car to use the top car park at the rear of the school.  It is possible for parents to remain there to collect Secondary pupils if needed.