Braf iawn oedd cael gwylio a dilyn hynt Eisteddfod Powys yn rhithiol dros y penwythnos, a gweld llwyddiannau lu disgyblion yr ysgol ar draws yr ystod gallu. Mae gennym ddisgyblion talentog iawn yma. Gwelwyd disgyblion cynradd yn cipio’r holl wobrau ar y gystadleuaeth gemwaith o ddeunyddiau naturiol ac yn yr un modd rhai o ddisgyblion bl.10-13 yn cipio gwobrau’r gystadleuaeth ryddiaith yn mynegi barn ar unrhyw bwnc – tipyn o gamp iddyn nhw yng nghanol prysurdeb gwaith ysgol. Llongyfarchiadau gwresog iddyn nhw’i gyd a da iawn i’r holl ddisgyblion a gystadlodd. Gweler y canlyniadau’n llawn isod.
It was lovely to watch and follow the virtual Eisteddfod Powys over the weekend and see the various successes of our pupils here in school from the primary to the secondary phase. We have very talented pupils here. The primary phase pupils swept the board in the creating jewellery out of natural materials competition, and our year 10-13 pupils in the prose competition – quite an achievement whilst also completing schoolwork. A huge congratulations to all of them and well done to all the pupils who competed. The full results are below.
Cynradd / Primary
Gemwaith o ddeunyddiau naturiol / Jewellery out of natural materials
1af – Iestyn Gittins
2il – Macsen Francis
3ydd – Martha Magor
Uwchradd / Secondary
Harddu’r Ardd / Beautifying the Garden
1af – Cadi Glwys
Celf Micro / Micro Art
1af – Lisa Page
Cyfansoddi a Pherfformio Cân Wreiddiol / Compose and Perform an Original Song
1af – Cadi Glwys
Dweud Jôc / Tell a Joke
2il – Dewi Griffiths
Dylunio Slogan Cymraeg ar gyfer crys-t / Create a Welsh slogan t-shirt
1af – Cadi Glwys
Unawd Offerynnol / Solo Instrumental Bl 7-13
2il – Cadi Glwys
Rhyddiaith / Prose Bl 10-13
1af – Cadi Glwys
2il – Lowri Griffiths – 2il – £15
3ydd – Lisa Page
Parti Dawns Agored / Open Dance Group
1af – Cadi Glwys (a Meinir)
Llefaru / Recitation Bl 10-13
1af – Lowri Griffiths
Unawd offerynnol agored / Open Instrumental Solo
2il – Cadi Glwys
Ffotograffiaeth – Ail-greu llun gan artist o Gymru / Photography – Recreate a picture from a Welsh artist
3ydd – William a Jac Klages