Annwyl Bawb,
Mae’r Eisteddfod yn cael ei gynnal yn Ysgol Cwm Banwy yfory am 4 o’r gloch. Bydd disgyblion angen gadael yr ysgol am 14:30 i gyraedd Ysgol Cwm Banwy. Os gwelwch yn dda, mae angen i bawb cwrdd o’r flaen Ysgol Llanfyllin. Os oes unrhyw broblem cludiant, anfonwch neges at Mr Jenkins ar
Sicrhewch bydd eich plentyn efo pres/lluniaeth efo nhw ar gyfer y noswaith. Dim ond rhagborfion i’r Perfformiad Theatrig o Sgriupt Bl. 7 – 9 (Ymgom) ac Llefaru Unigol am bedwar o’r gloch.
The Eisteddfod is being held in Ysgol Cwm Banwy tomorrow at 4 o’clock. Pupils will need to leave school for 14:30 i to arrive at Ysgol Cwm Banwy. Please can everyone meet in front of Ysgol Llanfyllin. If there are any transport issues, please send a message to Mr Jenkins on
Please ensure your child has money/refreshments with them for the evening.