Diolch i’r Rhieni ac Athrawon a oedd wedi gallu mynychu’r cyfarfod CRhA Nos Iau. Rydym yn awr wedi sefydlu pwyllgor, ac yn edrych ymlaen am ddechrau trefniadau ar gyfer Ffair Haf yn ddiweddarach eleni.
Os hoffech chi fod ynghlwm a’r Ffair Haf neu gydag unrhyw weithgaredd CRhA eleni , yna cysylltwch â mi. Bydd ein cyfarfod nesaf Nos Iau Ebrill 20fed a byddem yn falch o’ch gweld yno.
Thank you to all of the parents and teachers who were able to attend the PTA meeting on Thursday. We have now got ourselves a committee, and we’re looking forward to starting the organisation of the Summer Fayre later this year.
If you would like to get involved with the Summer Fayre or any other PTA event this year, then please get in contact. Our next meeting will be Thursday 20th April and we’d love to see you there.