Cyfnod Cynradd – Primary Phase
Prynhawn Mercher, 4ydd o Ragfyr am 4 o’r gloch a
Nos Iau, 5ed Ragfyr am 6.00 y.h. Theatr Llwyn, Llanfyllin
Annwyl Rieni/ Ofalwyr,
Mae pob un disgybl yn paratoi ar gyfer cymryd rhan yn y perfformiadau uchod. Fel yr ydym eisoes wedi son, mae’n bwysig iawn fod y plant yn bresennol yn y ddau berfformiad. Os nad ydych yn gwylio’r sioe, mae croeso i chi ollwng a chasglu eich plentyn. Os ydych yn ymwybodol o absenoldebau o flaen llaw, gadewch i ni wybod mor fuan â phosib os gwelwch yn dda.
Mae mynediad i’r perfformiadau drwy docyn yn unig.
Ar y dydd Mercher, bydd y disgyblion yn aros ar ôl ysgol a gofynnwn am becyn bwyd ar eu cyfer. Os nad ydych yn gwylio’r perfformiad yma, gofynnwn i chi wneud trefniadau i gasglu eich plentyn/ plant am 5:30 y.h. Ar gyfer y nos Iau, byddem yn ddiolchgar iawn petaech yn medru sicrhau fod eich plentyn/ plant yn cyrraedd y theatr erbyn 5:30 y.h. ac os nad ydych yn gwylio’r sioe yn gwneud trefniadau i gasglu eich plentyn/ plant am 7:30 y.h.
Ar hyn o bryd dim ond 2 docyn fesul teulu sydd ar gael fesul perfformiad fel bod cyfle i bob rhiant/ gofalwr weld eu plant yn perfformio. Gofynnwn i rieni archebu tocynnau drwy Parentpay erbyn dydd Mercher 27ain o Dachwedd. Mae tocynnau yn £5 yr un. Efallai y bydd tocynnau ychwanegol ar gael ar ôl y dyddiad yma.
Wednesday the 4th of December at 4.00 p.m. &
Thursday 5th December at 6.00 p.m. Theatr Llwyn, Llanfyllin
Yn gywir,
Sioned Vaughan
Pennaeth Cynorthwyol
Dear Parents/ Carers,
The children are busy preparing to take part in the above performances. As we have mentioned before, we must stress the importance of each child attending both performances. If you’re not watching the show, you’re welcome to drop off and collect your child/ ren. If you are aware of any absences in advance, please let us know as soon as possible.
Admission to the performances is by ticket only.
On the Wednesday, the pupils will be staying after school and we ask that they bring a packed tea. If you are not going to be present at Wednesday’s performance, we ask that you make arrangements to collect your child/ children at 5.30p.m. On the Thursday night we would be grateful if you could ensure your child/ children arrive at the theatre at 5.30p.m. and if you are not attending the show please make arrangements to collect your child/ children at 7.30p.m.
At the moment we are limited to 2 tickets per family per evening so that there’s an opportunity for every parent to see their child/ren perform. We kindly ask parents to purchase tickets through Parentpay by Wednesday, 27th November. Tickets are £5 per person. We may have additional tickets available after this date.
Gyda diolch am eich cydweithrediad.
Thanking you for your co-operation.
Yours sincerely,
Sioned Vaughan
Assistant Headteacher.