Gwybodaeth am Frechiad COVID-19 ar gyfer Rhieni a Gwarcheidwaid Plant a Phobl Ifanc 12-15 oed

Annwyl Riant / Warcheidwad

Fel y gwyddoch efallai, mae Prif Swyddogion Meddygol y DU wedi argymell y dylai pawb 12-15 oed nad ydynt eisoes wedi’u cynnwys mewn rhaglenni brechu COVID-19 presennol gael cynnig dos cyntaf o frechlyn COVID-19 Pfizer-BioNTech.

Mabwysiadwyd eu cyngor gan bob un o bedair Llywodraeth y DU gan gynnwys Llywodraeth Cymru. Mae gwaith bellach ar y gweill ledled y wlad i gynnig brechiad COVID-19 i bob plentyn a pherson ifanc 12-15 oed nad ydynt wedi derbyn gwahoddiad o’r blaen.

Ledled Cymru, bydd y rhan fwyaf o frechiad COVID-19 ar gyfer pobl ifanc 12-15 oed yn cael ei gynnig mewn Canolfannau Brechu Torfol. Dyma hefyd y dull rydyn ni’n ei fabwysiadu ym Mhowys. Bydd pob plentyn 12-15 oed sydd wedi cofrestru gyda meddyg teulu ym Mhowys yn derbyn gwahoddiad gan Fwrdd Iechyd Addysgu Powys am apwyntiad yn un o’n canolfannau brechu torfol:

• Bydd Bwrdd Iechyd Addysgu Powys yn anfon gwahoddiad i’ch cyfeiriad cartref yn gwahodd pobl 12-15 oed i apwyntiad gyda’u rhiant/gwarcheidwad. Fel arfer, byddwch yn derbyn llythyrau gwahoddiad cyn diwedd mis Hydref.

• Bydd yr apwyntiad mewn canolfan brechu torfol. Mae’r rhain wedi’u lleoli ym Mronllys, Llanfair-ym-Muallt a’r Drenewydd. Fel arfer, cynigir apwyntiadau gyda’r nos neu ar y penwythnos, mewn sesiynau clinig yn benodol ar gyfer pobl dan 18 oed.

• Rydym yn eich annog i fynd i’r apwyntiad ar yr amser y cynigir i chi lle bynnag y bo modd. Bydd hyn yn ein helpu i gynnig brechiad i gynifer o bobl â phosibl, cyn gynted â phosibl. Os na allwch fod yn bresennol ar yr amser y cawsoch gynnig, defnyddiwch y manylion cyswllt yn eich llythyr archebu i ofyn am ddewis arall.

• Os oes mwy nag un person 12-15 oed yn eich cartref, yna gallwch ddod â nhw i gyd ar yr un pryd ar gyfer apwyntiad brechu, hyd yn oed os ydych yn derbyn llythyrau gwahoddiad ar wahân. Nid yw brechu ar gael ar hyn o bryd i blant dan 12 oed.

• Yn seiliedig ar ganllawiau’r DU, cynigir un dos o frechlyn COVID-19 i’r rhan fwyaf o blant 12-15 oed. Mae rhai plant sydd â chyflyrau iechyd sylfaenol yn fwy agored i salwch difrifol yn sgil COVID-19 ac yn cael cynnig dau ddos.

Bydd pobl ifanc 12-15 oed sydd wedi cofrestru gyda meddyg teulu mewn sir gyfagos yng Nghymru yn cael eu gwahoddiad gan eu Bwrdd Iechyd lleol. Bydd pobl ifanc 12-15 oed sydd wedi cofrestru gyda meddyg teulu yn Lloegr yn cael gwahoddiad gan eu rhaglen frechu leol yn Lloegr.

UNid Uyw’r brechlyn yn orfodol a gall pobl ddewis a ddylid cael y brechlyn ai peidio. Bydd gwybodaeth briodol ar gael i blant a phobl ifanc a’u rhieni i benderfynu ar frechu. Byddwn yn gofyn i rieni neu warcheidwaid ddod i’r apwyntiad brechu gyda’r person ifanc, ac rydym yn annog rhieni, gwarcheidwaid, plant a phobl ifanc i drafod gyda’i gilydd a ddylid cael y brechiad ai peidio.

Mae Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru wedi llunio rhywfaint o wybodaeth ddefnyddiol drosodd i’ch helpu i wneud y penderfyniad sy’n iawn i chi.

Mae’r wybodaeth hon hefyd ar gael ar wefan Bwrdd Iechyd Addysgu Powys yn (cliciwch ar y ddolen ar ein tudalen am “12-15”).

Bydd eich llythyr gwahoddiad hefyd yn rhoi rhagor o wybodaeth am y brechlyn COVID-19 a’ch apwyntiad.

Gyda chyfraddau uchel o’r coronafeirws ym mhob rhan o Gymru, mae’n hanfodol ein bod i gyd yn cymryd camau i amddiffyn ein hunain a’n hanwyliaid. Mae’r camau allweddol ar gyfer disgyblion ysgol uwchradd yn cynnwys:

• Dilyn yr holl ganllawiau a roddwyd i chi gan eich ysgol.
• Os oes gennych symptomau: arhoswch gartref a chael prawf PCR.
• Os nad oes gennych unrhyw symptomau: daliwch ati i wneud profion llif ochrol rheolaidd a rhowch wybod am eich holl ganlyniadau.
• Cael y brechlyn os cewch gynnig y brechlyn.
• Golchwch eich dwylo’n rheolaidd
• Gwisgwch orchuddion wyneb pan fo angen.

Mae rhagor o wybodaeth am Profi Olrhain Diogelu (POD) gan gynnwys opsiynau profi COVID ym Mhowys ar gael ar ein gwefan yn

Diolch am bopeth rydych chi’n parhau i’w wneud i Ddiogelu Powys.

Stuart Bourne, Cyfarwyddwr Iechyd y Cyhoedd Bwrdd Iechyd Addysgu Powys – Medi 2021

Information about COVID-19 Vaccination for Parents and Guardians of Children and Young People aged 12-15

Dear Parent

As you may be aware, the UK’s Chief Medical Officers have recommended that all people aged 12-15 who are not already covered by existing COVID-19 vaccination programmes should be offered a first dose of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

Their advice has been adopted by all four UK Governments including the Welsh Government. Work is now under way across the country to offer COVID-19 vaccination to all children and young people aged 12-15 who have not previously received an invitation.

Across Wales, most COVID-19 vaccination for 12-15 year olds will be offered in Mass Vaccination Centres. This is also the approach we are taking in Powys. All 12-15 year olds who are registered with a GP in Powys will receive an invitation from Powys Teaching Health Board for an appointment at one of our mass vaccination centres:

• Powys Teaching Health Board will send an invitation to your home address inviting the person age 12-15 to an appointment accompanied by their parent or guardian. Invitation letters will normally be received before the end of October.

• The appointment will be at a mass vaccination centre. These are located in Bronllys, Builth Wells & Newtown. Appointments will normally be offered during the evening or weekend, at clinic sessions specifically for people under the age of 18.

• We encourage you to attend at the time you are offered wherever possible. This will help us to offer vaccination to as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. If you are not able to attend at the time you have been offered then please use the contact details in your booking letter to request an alternative.

• If there is more than one person aged 12-15 in your household then you can bring them all at the same time for a vaccination appointment, even if you receive separate invitation letters. Vaccination is not currently available for children under the age of 12.

• Based on UK guidance, most children aged 12-15 are offered one dose of COVID-19 vaccine. Some children with underlying health conditions are more vulnerable to serious illness from COVID-19 and are being offered two doses.

12-15 year olds who are registered with a GP in a neighbouring county in Wales will receive their invitation from their local Health Board. 12-15 year olds who are registered with a GP in England will receive an invitation from their local vaccination programme in England.

The vaccine is UnotU mandatory and people can choose whether to have the vaccine or not. There will be appropriate information made available for children and young people and their parents to make up their minds about vaccination. We will be asking that parents or guardians attend the vaccination appointment with the young person, and we encourage parents, guardians, children and young people to discuss together whether or not to have the vaccination.

Public Health Wales has put together some useful information overleaf to help you make the decision that is right for you.

This information is also available from the Powys Teaching Health Board website at (click on the link on our page for “12-15”).

Your invitation letter will also provide further information about the COVID-19 vaccine and your appointment.

With high rates of coronavirus in all parts of Wales it is vital that we all take steps to protect ourselves and our loved ones. The key steps for secondary school pupils include:

• Follow all the guidance provided to you by your school.
• If you have symptoms: stay at home and get a PCR test.
• If you have no symptoms: keep doing regular lateral flow tests and report all your results.
• Get the vaccine if you are offered it.
• Wash your hands regularly.
• Wear face coverings when needed.

More information about Test Trace Protect (TTP) including COVID testing options in Powys is available from our website at

Thank you for everything you continue to do to Keep Powys Safe.

Stuart Bourne, Director of Public Health, Powys Teaching Health Board – September 2021