Canlyniadau arolwg dysgu o bell

Cafodd dros 85 y cant o ddisgyblion Powys wersi byw ar-lein o’u hysgolion yn ystod mis Ionawr, yn ôl canfyddiadau arolwg gan gyngor sir.

Llenwodd 3,422 o rieni / gwarcheidwaid a disgyblion arolwg dysgu o bell byr a gynhaliwyd gan Gyngor Sir Powys.  Rhoddodd ymatebwyr eu barn wrth i ysgolion yn y sir ddarparu dysgu ar-lein oherwydd pandemig y Coronafeirws.

Prif ganfyddiadau’r arolwg oedd:

·           Dywedodd 93 y cant o rieni a disgyblion eu bod wedi ymgysylltu’n llawn ag ystod o ddysgu a osodwyd gan eu hysgol

·           Roedd gan 88 y cant o ddisgyblion a rhieni fynediad at ddyfeisiau ar gyfer dysgu ar-lein o gartref, a bu’n rhaid i 11% rannu dyfais

·           Dywedodd 86 y cant o rieni a disgyblion eu bod wedi derbyn gwersi byw o’r ysgol

·           Roedd 85 y cant o rieni a disgyblion yn cytuno bod eu hysgolion yn rhoi adborth rheolaidd iddynt ar eu gwaith

·           Cafodd 63 y cant o ymatebwyr wersi drwy liniadur tra bod 15 y cant wedi cael gwersi drwy iPad neu ddyfais gyfatebol

·           Roedd 56 y cant o rieni a disgyblion yn teimlo eu bod wedi cael y lefel cywir o gymorth, gweithgareddau dysgu a gwersi o’u hysgolion tra bod wyth y cant yn teimlo eu bod wedi’i dderbyn y rhan fwyaf o’r amser

·           Teimlai 10 y cant o rieni a disgyblion nad oeddent wedi cael y lefel cywir o gymorth, gweithgareddau dysgu a gwersi o’u hysgolion tra bod 26 y cant yn teimlo bod disgyblion wedi’i dderbyn rhan o’r amser

·           Roedd bron pob rhiant neu ddisgyblion (97%) yn cytuno y gallent gysylltu â’u hysgolion pe bai problem.

Cafwyd 77 y cant o’r ymatebion gan rieni / gwarcheidwaid gyda gweddill yr ymatebion gan ddisgyblion.  Roedd 54 y cant o’r ymatebion gan ddisgyblion oed cynradd neu eu rhieni / gwarcheidwaid gyda 46 y cant o’r cyfnod uwchradd.

Dywedodd y Cynghorydd Phyl Davies, Aelod Cabinet ar faterion Addysg ac Eiddo: “Hoffwn ddiolch i’r disgyblion a’r rhieni / gwarcheidwaid a roddodd eu hamser i gymryd rhan yn yr arolwg hwn ac i roi eu barn i ni.

“Mae’n braf gweld bod 90 y cant o ymatebwyr yn teimlo bod eu hysgolion yn eu cefnogi’n dda drwy gyswllt rheolaidd a bod 85 y cant o ddisgyblion wedi cael adborth rheolaidd ar eu gwaith ysgol.

“Er bod canfyddiadau’r arolwg hwn yn rhywbeth ry’n ni’n falch ohono, nid yw’n amser i ni fod yn hunanfodlon.  Bydd y canlyniadau’n ein helpu i weld pa gymorth ychwanegol sydd ei angen ar ein hysgolion i sicrhau bod dysgwyr yn elwa’n llawn o ddysgu ar-lein tra eu bod i ffwrdd o’u hystafelloedd dosbarth.”

Remote learning survey results

Over 85 per cent of Powys pupils received live online lessons from their school during January, the findings of a county council survey have revealed.

3,422 parents / guardian and pupils completed a short remote learning survey that was carried out by Powys County Council. Respondents gave their views while school in county provided online learning due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

The key findings of the survey were:

  • 93 per cent of parents and pupils said that they had engaged fully with a range of learning set by their school
  • 88 per cent of pupils and parents had access to devices for online learning from home, and 11 % had to share a device
  • 86 per cent of parent and pupils reported that they had received live lessons from school
  • 85 per cent of parents and pupils agreed that their school provided them with regular feedback on their work
  • 63 per cent of respondents accessed lessons through a laptop while 15 per cent accessed lessons through an iPad or an equivalent device
  • 56 per cent of parents and pupils felt they had received the right amount of support, learning activities and lessons from their school while eight per cent felt that they had received it most of the time
  • 10 per cent of parents and pupils felt that they didn’t receive the right amount of support, learning activities and lessons from their school while 26 per cent felt pupils had received it part of the time
  • Nearly all (97%) parents or pupils agreed that they could contact their school if there was a problem.

77 per cent of the responses were from parents / guardians with the remaining responses from pupils. 54 per cent of the responses were from primary-aged pupils or their parents / guardians with 46 per cent from the secondary phase.

Cllr Phyl Davies, Cabinet Member for Education and Property, said: “I’d like to thank the pupils and parents / guardians who took the time to take part in this survey and give us their views.

“It is pleasing to see that 90 per cent of respondents felt well supported by their school through regular contact and that 85 per cent of pupils were provided with regular feedback on their school work.

“Although the findings of this survey are pleasing, we won’t be complacent. The results will help us to identify what further support is required for all our schools to ensure learners benefit fully from online learning while they are away from their classrooms.”