Annwyl Riant / Warcheidwad,

Ddydd Gwener, yr 22ain o Hydref, bydd diwrnod ble gall disgyblion wisgo eu dillad eu hunain neu wisg Calan Gaeaf. Bydd hyn ar gyfer pob blwyddyn a disgyblion.

Bydd taith gerdded Calan Gaeaf ar gyfer plant y Cyfnod Cynradd, wedyn bydd cystadleuaeth gwisg ffansi iddyn nhw.

Os hoffai’ch plentyn gymeryd rhan, bydd cost o £1, a chaiff yr arian a godir ei rannu rhwng Ymchwil Cancr a’r ysgoI. Yn y bore, bydd bwcedi ar gyfer rhoi arian ynddyn nhw yn nhu blaen yr ysgol a bydd aelod o staff yno’n gofalu am y casgliad hwn.

Oherwydd y sefyllfa bresennol gyda Covid 19, ni ellir rhoi unrhyw newid (arian) i ddisgyblion, felly mae’n rhaid iddyn nhw ddod â’r arian cywir a’i roi mewn bwced wrth ddod i mewn i’r ysgol. 

Yn ddiffuant,

Joe Evans a Ffion Davies
Prif Fachgen / Prif Ferch

Dear Parent / Carer,

On Friday 22nd of October 2021 there will be a day where pupils can wear either their own clothes or Halloween costumes. This will be for all years and pupils. 

There will be a Halloween walk for the children of the primary phase, at the end of which there we be a fancy dress competition. 

If your child would like to take part it will cost £1 and the money raised will be split between Cancer research and the School. In the morning, buckets will be left in the front of the school where a member of staff will supervise collection. 

Due to the current situation of Covid-19 no change will be given so pupils must bring the correct amount of money and drop it in a bucket as they enter school. 

Yours sincerely,

Joe Evans / Ffion Davies
Head Boy / Head Girl