Cyfnod Cynradd – Primary Phase
Bydd ymarfer parti Cerdd Dant dydd Sul, 2:00 y.p. – 4:00 y.p. Dewch i fynedfa yr adeilad Dylunio a Thechnoleg/ Celf (yr adeiliad cyfnod uwchradd sydd agosaf at y ganolfan chweched). Bydd Miss Davies yno i gwrdd â chi i fynd a’r disgyblion lawr at y theatr.
There will be a Parti Cerdd Dant (Cerdd Dant group) on Sunday, 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Come to the entrance to the Design and Technology/ Art building (the secondary phase building that’s closest to Canolfan Chweched [Sixth form]). Miss Davies will be there to meet you and take pupils down to the theatre.