Annwyl rieni/ gwarchodwyr
Mae eich plentyn wedi cwblhau asesiadau personol mewn rhifedd, darllen Cymraeg a Saesneg. Gallwch edrych ar y canlyniadau drwy fewngofnodi ar HWB eich plentyn. Cliciwch ar asesiadau personol ac edrych o dan adroddiadau. Bydd y canlyniadau o dan adborth dysgwyr a cynnydd dysgwyr. Cofiwch mae dim ond disgyblion bl 2- hyd at bl9 sydd yn gwneud yr asesiadau hyn. Os oes angen mwy o gymorth arnoch, croeso i chi gysylltu efo’r ysgol.
Dear parents/ guardian,
Your child has completed personal assessments in numeracy, Welsh and English reading (Welsh only for Welsh medium classes). You are able to view the results by logging onto your child’s HWB account. If you click on personal assessments and look under reports you should find the results and feedback under learner progress and learner feedback. Please note that only pupils in years 2 to 9 complete these tests. If you need any further support please contact the school.