At sylw pob Rhiant a Gofalwr plant oed ysgol o bob rhan o Gymru – bydd newidiadau i’r cymwysterau y bydd eich plant yn eu hastudio o 2027 ymlaen.

Fel rhan o’n proses ymgynghori barhaus, rydyn ni am glywed eich barn a’ch meddyliau ar ein cynigion ar gyfer cymwysterau heblaw TGAU o 2027.

Yn Cymwysterau Cymru, rydyn ni’n ailddychmygu cymwysterau ar gyfer dysgwyr rhwng 14 ac 16 oed i gefnogi uchelgais y Cwricwlwm i Gymru. Ar 14 Mawrth lansiwyd ein hymgynghoriad ar y Cynnig Llawn o Gymwysterau 14-16 fel rhan o’n prosiect Cymwys ar gyfer y Dyfodol.

I gefnogi’r gwaith pwysig yma, byddwn ni’n cynnal gweminar awr o hyd gyda chyflwyniad ar y cynigion ac yna sesiwn holi ac ateb.

Cynhelir y digwyddiad i rieni a gofalwyr ar 8 Mehefin 2023, 17:30-18:30. Os hoffech fynychu, cofrestrwch yma.

I ysgogi sgwrs mae fersiwn o’r cynigion ar gael sy’n Addas ar gyfer Pobl Ifanc a phecyn adnoddau ar gael.

Ewch i’n gwefan ymgynghori ar-lein i ddweud eich dweud ar ein cynigion ar y Cynnig Llawn o Gymwysterau 14-16 a byddwch yn rhan o’r sgwrs genedlaethol ar sut mae ein dysgwyr yn dod yn Gymwys ar gyfer y Dyfodol.

Calling all Parents and Carers of school aged children from across Wales there will be changes to the qualifications your children will be taking from 2027.

As part of our ongoing consultation process we want to hear your thoughts and opinions on our proposals for qualifications other than GCSE’s from 2027.

At Qualifications Wales, we are reimagining qualifications for 14- to 16-year-olds to support the ambition of the Curriculum for Wales. On 14 March we launched our consultation on the Full 14-16 Qualifications Offer as part of our Qualified for the Future project.

To support this important work, we will be holding a one hour webinar with a presentation on the proposals followed by a question and answer session.

The event for parents and carers will be held on 8th June 2023, 17:30-18:30. If you would like to attend, please register here.

To stimulate conversation a Youth Friendly version of the proposals and a resource pack is available. Visit our online consultation site to have your say on our Full 14-16 Qualifications Offer proposals and be part of the national conversation on how our learners become Qualified for the Future.