Cymorth i Ddysgwyr – Rheolwr Gofal Bugeiliol
Llawn amser. Yn eisiau ar gyfer Hydref 2022
Cyflog: Gradd 7
Mae Corff Llywodraethol ein hysgol pob oed hyfryd yn awyddus i benodi unigolyn eithriadol i ddod yn Rheolwr Gofal Bugeiliol. Gan ateb i aelod priodol o’r Uwch Dîm Arweinyddiaeth, ac mewn cydweithrediad â deiliaid CAD a staff addysgu, bydd y swydd yn cyfrannu at drefn dda gyffredinol yn yr ysgol, gan gynnwys rheoli ymddygiad, ac yn hyrwyddo lles a chynnydd a chyflawniad cyffredinol dysgwyr. trwy:
• darparu cefnogaeth rheng flaen i ddysgwyr ar faterion bugeiliol
• darparu presenoldeb, cefnogaeth ymddygiadol ac addysgol i ddysgwyr
• darparu cyswllt strategol rhwng yr ysgol ac asiantaethau eraill a rhieni / gofalwyr
Am fanylion pellach, neu i drefnu ymweliad i’r ysgol, cysylltwch â Mrs Jean Brown neu ar 01691 648391.
Dyddiad cau ar gyfer ceisiadau: 16/09/22
Tynnu rhestr fer: 19/09/22
Cyfweliadau: I’w gadarnhau
Learner Support – Pastoral Care Manager
Full time. Required for October 2022
Salary: Grade 7
The Governing Body of our wonderful all through school are seeking to appoint an exceptional individual to become our Pastoral Care Manager. Reporting to an appropriate member of the Senior Leadership Team, and in liaison with TLR holders and teaching staff, the post will contribute to overall good order within the school, including behaviour management, and promote the well-being and general progress and achievement of learners through:
• providing first line support to learners on pastoral issues
• providing attendance, behavioural and educational support to learners
• providing a strategic link between the school and other agencies and parents/carers
If you are energetic, enthusiastic and love working with children then we’d be delighted to hear from you. We are always happy to meet potential applicants prior to interview; please do not hesitate to contact us using the details provided.
Application forms and further details are available from Mrs Jean Brown on or 01691 648391.
Closing Date: 16/09/22
Short listing: 19/09/22
Interviews: To be confirmed