Mae hi’n adeg hynny o’r flwyddyn unwaith eto ble mae Eisteddfodau’r Urdd ar y gorwel. Mae’r Urdd yn ŵyl sydd yn arbennig i ni yng Nghymru ble mae cyfle i’ch plentyn gystadlu yn erbyn ysgolion eraill o fewn yr ardal ac os yn llwyddiannus yn erbyn ysgolion y sir a Chymru gyfan. Eleni mae’r gystadleuaeth genedlaethol ar stepen drws ym Meifod a bydd pobl ar draws Cymru yn dod i gystadlu. Fel ysgol byddwn yn paratoi disgyblion ar gyfer cystadlaethau canu, dawnsio, llefaru ac arlunio yn y dosbarth ac ar ôl ysgol hefyd. Os ydych yn dymuno i’ch plentyn fod yn rhan o’r cystadlu yna mae rhaid i chi ymaelodi eich plentyn ar wefan yr urdd.
Cost aelodaeth yw £10 y plentyn (£1 os yn derbyn cinio ysgol am ddim) neu £25 y teulu. Er mwyn i ni sicrhau bod gennym enwau pawb sydd eisiau cystadlu gofynnwn i chi drefnu’r ymaelodi erbyn Dydd Llun 15fed o Ionawr. Os ydych yn cael trafferth gadewch i mi wybod.

Bydd y Dawnsio a’r Eisteddfod Uwchradd ym Machynlleth, Ddydd Sadwrn y 9fed o Fawrth

Mi fydd yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Mai 27ain-31ain ym Meifod

Os ydych yn dymuno i’ch plentyn gymryd rhan mewn cystadleuaeth offerynnol neu ddawnsio unigol, yna bydd angen cofrestru ar wefan yr Urdd erbyn Dydd Llun 22ain o Ionawr.
Unrhyw gwestiynau pellach, cysylltwch gyda’r ysgol.

It’s that time of year again when the Urdd is on our doorstep. The Urdd is a unique Welsh Festival that gives us an opportunity to celebrate Welsh culture and language through multiple competitions. These events allow your child to compete against schools from across the local area and if they are successful they could even compete at a national level. This year the national competition is in Meifod, therefore there will be people from across Wales coming to compete. As a school we will now be preparing pupils for singing, dancing, recitation and artistic competitions during school time and after school. If you wish for your child to be part of the competitions, then you must register your child on the Urdd website.
Urdd Gobaith Cymru
Membership is £10 per pupil (£1 if you receive free school meals) or £25 for a family of 3 or more. If you wish for your child to become a member we ask that you organise the membership by Monday 15th of January so that we can start to prepare for competitions.

The Secondary Dancing and Eisteddfod will be on Saturday 9th of March in Machynlleth

The National will be in Meifod from the 27th -31st of May.

If you wish for your child to take part in an instrumental or individual dance competition, they must be registered on the Urdd website by Monday 22nd January.

Any questions please contact the school.