Nodyn i atgoffa bod y Ffair Nadolig yn cael ei chynnal heno am 5.30.
Diolch i bwyllgor CRhA am drefnu.
Bydd angen i bob disgybl sydd yn mynychu gael eu goruchwylio gan riant neu os nad ydych yn mynychu eich cyfrifoldeb chi fydd trefnu rhywun i gadw llygad ar eich plentyn
Mae’r plant wedi bod yn brysur yn creu eitemau i’w gwerthu felly bydd rhai disgyblion yn cynorthwyo ar y stondin.
Cofiwch ddod ag arian parod i wario.
Just a reminder that the Christmas Fair is on tonight at 5.30p.m.
Thanks to the PTA committee for arranging this.
All pupils attending the fair must be supervised by a parent, if you are not attending it is your responsibility to arrange that somebody is responsible for keeping an eye on your child.
The children have been busy preparing items of craft to sell and some pupils will be helping out on the stall.
Don’t forget to bring some money (cash) to spend
Thank you