A all rhieni a gofalwyr atgoffa eu plant na ddylid defnyddio tiroedd yr ysgol i chwarae ynddo gyda’r nos nac ar benwythnosau. Yn anffodus, rydym wedi cael adroddiadau bod plant yn dal i ddod i safle’r ysgol i reidio eu beiciau yn y goedwig yng nghefn yr ysgol. Mae hyn yn cael ei wahardd yn llym. Ar hyn o bryd nid oes llwybrau beicio swyddogol ar safle’r ysgol ac mae tir yr ysgol yn eiddo preifat ac ni ddylid cael mynediad iddo pan fydd yr ysgol ar gau. Eiddo preifat yw’r ysgol a dim ond at ddibenion yr ysgol y caniateir mynediad i’r cyhoedd yn ystod y diwrnod ysgol. Ni chaniateir cŵn ar y safle. Rydym bellach wedi gorfod gofyn am gymorth gan yr Heddlu i orfodi polisïau Cyngor Sir Powys.
Diolch yn fawr am eich cefnogaeth.
Please can parents and carers remind their children that the school grounds are not to be used to play in during the evenings or at weekends. Unfortunately, we still have children coming onto the school site to ride their bikes in the woods at the back of the school. This is strictly prohibited. There are currently no official bike trails on the school site and the school grounds are private property and should not be accessed when the school is closed. The school is private property and public access is only permitted during the school day for school-based purposes. No dogs are permitted on site. We have now had to seek assistance from the local police in enforcing Powys County Council’s Policies.
Many thanks for your support.