Bore prysur arall yn MPD technoleg gydag Academi Adeiladu SWG. Bu Steve Meredith (Plymiwr Arweiniol grŵp SWG) yn siarad â’r myfyrwyr am amrywiaeth o wahanol feysydd
o blymio gan gynnwys gwaith pibellau, mathau o ffitiadau, rheiddiaduron, boeleri nwy a silindrau dŵr poeth . Yna dangosodd Steve sut y gall pibellau copr gael eu sodro gyda’i gilydd a’i rhoi at ei gilydd gyda ffitiadau crych.
Diolch yn fawr iawn i Jacqui a Jake o grŵp SWG a fu hefyd yn cefnogi’r sesiwn. Roedd y myfyrwyr yn gyffrous iawn yn derbyn eu siacedi Academi Adeiladu SWG!
Another busy morning down in the Technology AoLE with the SWG Construction Academy. Steve Meredith (Lead Plumber for SWG Group) talked the students through a variety of different plumbing areas including pipe work, types of fittings, radiators, gas boilers and hot water cylinders. Steve then demonstrated how copper pipe work can be soldered together and assembled with crimp fittings.
A big thank you to Jacqui and Jake from SWG Group who also supported with the session. The students were excited to receive their new SWG Construction Academy jackets!