Manteisiodd grŵp bach o fyfyrwyr B9 ar y cyfle i fynd ar ymweliad fferm gyda Mr Wood a Mrs Thomson y bore yma, fel ymchwil ar gyfer eu ceisiadau i’r gystadleuaeth fwyd, ffermio a’r amgylchedd genedlaethol. Cafodd y disgyblion daith o amgylch y parlwr, tai gwartheg a siopau bwyd anifeiliaid yn y Neuadd Uchaf cyn symud ymlaen i weld cnydau o haidd a meillion coch allan yn y cae ac yna uned dofednod buarth. Hoffem ddiolch i deulu Bennett am gynnig caredig iawn i gynnal yr ymweliad ac am eu lletygarwch. Bydd y myfyrwyr nawr yn gweithio mewn grwpiau bach i lunio cyflwyniad fideo sy’n ateb y cwestiynau ‘A fydd ffermwyr yn parhau i fod yn warchodwyr ein tir a’n hamgylchedd?’.
A small group of Y9 students took the opportunity to go on a farm visit with Mr Wood and Mrs Thomson this morning, as research for their entries into the national food, farming and environment competition. The pupils were given a tour of the parlour, cattle housing and feed stores at Upper Hall before moving on to see crops of barley and red clover out in the field and then a free-range poultry unit. We would like to thank the Bennett family for very kindly offering to host the visit and for their hospitality. The students will now work in small groups to put together a video presentation which answers the questions ‘Will farmers continue to be the guardians of our land and environment?’.